Monday, April 30, 2007
Training Challenges
The other issue I'm facing now is that I am having difficulty with keeping my energy up in the gym. This really ticks me off, because exercise has been a cornerstone of my life since I was eleven years old. So it becomes a vicious cycle of going to the gym, throwing in a half-a**ed workout, and leaving felling unfulfilled and depressed, which saps my drive for the next workout.
There are days, though,that all the stars are aligned and I have a good session. Last Saturday's session included Chain flyes, Olympic deadlifts, chain pullups, heavy bag lunges, and some barbell push presses. I finished, felt great, and left the gym, then did nothing else all weekend. The rest of Saturday was great, emotionally, because I felt as if I was ready to get back on track, then I skipped my run Sunday, and, despite setting aside time today to train, I blew it off. Granted, I have time later today to do it, but emotionally, the drive just isn't there right now.
So, what do you do when you lose motivation? I'm open to suggestions!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What Ultimate Fighting Can Teach You About Setting Effective Goals
When a goal is being set, it has to be set with emotion and commitment. Emotion is important, because the goal needs to be anchored in something powerful. It's the difference in thinking, 'I want to lose 10 pounds before my reunion' and 'I want to lose 10 pounds before my reunion because I was teased about my weight when I was in school and being around those people will bring back those negative emotions of being ridiculed.' The key to finding the real emotion behind a decision is to keep asking 'why?' Eventually you'll come to a reason that has to do with avoiding some sort of physical or emotional pain.
A quick story - I had a client years ago who told me she wanted to lose weight. We worked for a few weeks, and, while she got stronger, she wasn't seeing the weight loss she wanted. She had however, just had her physical and had been pronounced in perfect health; blood pressure, heart rate, stress test and bloodwork were all excellent. I started asking some questions about her family and her health, and learned that her mother had always been on diets, with her weight always up and down. She then told me that 'all she'd ever wanted was to be healthy, without having to worry about constant fluctuations in her weight.' See where I'm going? She'd already achieved her true goal of being perfectly healthy! Changing her weight was actually something she did NOT want to do, even though she thought it was.
When you set a goal for yourself, I recommend three steps. First, ask yourself 'why?' until you get to an emotional, pain-avoiding reason for setting it. Second, write down the goal, and the date you'll achieve it by, and post it somewhere you'll see it daily. Third, tell people close to you about the goal you're working to achieve, so that you're accountable to others, as well as yourself.
Oh - in keeping with the topic, I have set a goal of running a half-marathon in June. It is something I have never done, and I'm starting the 12 week-training program 4 weeks late. But I'm telling you anyway! So ask me about it! Guilt me into running if you have to!
- A
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Performance Nutrition for a Faster Metabolism and Better Fat Burning!
Keys to creating a better metabolism.
Key number 1: eating complex carbohydrates and lean proteins with each meal provides up to a 30% boost in your metabolism, and they have less than half the calories of fatty foods! The next time you have a choice between fast food and supportive nutrition, keep in mind that it will take twice as long to burn off twice as many calories.
Key number 2! Snacking on complex carbohydrates – a.k.a. high-fiber foods - is an easy way to eat fewer calories and feel full without depriving yourself of food.
Key number 3: eating smaller, more frequent meals provides metabolic boosts throughout the day, and conditions the metabolism to burn calories efficiently.
Key number 4: eat breakfast, and plan meals to fuel you through the next three hours.
Key number 5: certain nutritional supplements can help you optimize your energy, physical performance, and overall health. To learn more about which nutritional supplements may help you look, feel, and perform better, ask your pharmacist or personal trainer, or visit my website at
You have enough information to take control of your metabolism…stoke that fire and get burning!
Remember: People do not fail the diets they try. Diets fail the people who try them.